The Strongest Team in Pool Water Sanitation!
The Pool Pilot units work with the Ozone Generator to give you the best of both worlds. The convenience of salt chlorination with the power of ozone destroys up to 99.99% of microorganisms in your pool.
Salt Chlorine Generator
• Patented bypass manifold for easy installation
• Patented temperature compensation
• Maintains chlorine residual in the pool, naturally
• Continuous super chlorination
Ozone Generator
• Extremely efficient sanitizer
• Advanced oxidation process
• Corona discharge generates 4-5 times higher ozone concentration than UV lamps
Combined into the CoPilot
• Superior sanitation and water clarity
• Reduction of chlorine usage extends cell life
• Reliable and energy efficient
• Kills bacteria, viruses, molds, fungus, and spores
• Environmentally friendly